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About Kowry

Who we are

Kowry is a services provider dedicated to fostering economic growth in emerging markets. Our mission is to help local companies to rapidly deliver, reliable, sustainable and affordable energy to businesses and communities.

Why Choose Us

Kowry´s portfolio and industrial approach maximizes each player´s capabilities across the value chain. This enables the energy providers/developers to connect more customers faster at lower costs and private equity with a more sizeable vehicle for investment, with less risk and greater longevity and return.


We innovate new methods of working with our customers and partners, utilizing the latest technologies and innovation; continuously improving and evolving.


We believe in the power of working together. We build, support, and encourage long-term partnerships and alliances, successfully working towards a common goal.


We create holistic, long-term
solutions to enable ownership
and growth, further economic development, and enable future generations. 

Ndiarka Mbodji

Ndiarka Mbodji

Founder & CEO

Larissa Middendorf

Founder & COO

Gauraw Patil

Head of Engineering

Why Choose Us?

Unmatched Expertise




Kowry Energy Services
UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Berlin, Germany
Dakar, Senegal

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Services 2024

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